I18n tooling for developers

Make your internationalization workflow a breeze with Pollyglot. Create and manage locale strings, toggle between languages on the fly and find unlocalized strings within seconds.

Create and manage Intl IDs

Toggle between languages

Find unlocalized strings

Add Intl Ids from your browser

Tired of manually adding Intl Ids to your React application? Add them from the comfort of your browser and have Pollyglot assist you in integrating them to your codebase. Internationalization of webapps has never been so easy!

Missing something? Find any unlocalised strings in seconds

Did you ever push unlocalised components to production? Pollyglot helps you quickly locate any strings that are missing translations.

Switch your browser language on the fly

Wonder what your site looks like for your international customers? Toggle between browser languages with the press of a Button.


Hobbyist Plan


For small projects that need a simple localization tool.

Automatic locale string extraction

Toggle between languages

Find unlocalized strings

Pro Plan

2.49€ /month

Adding translations to your app has never been easier.

Let AI generate your intl IDs

Automatic translations in 40+ languages

Automatic locale string extraction

Toggle between languages

Find unlocalized strings



Available for Chrome and VSCode.